常翔学園 摂南大学図書館

Broadcasting the blues : black blues in the segregation era

Paul Oliver ; : pbk. -- Routledge, 2006. <BB00134995>


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0001 pbk 摂本館 摂寝B1保存書庫2 764.7||O 20507772 長期閲覧中 2026/3/31 0件
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巻号 pbk
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資料ID 20507772
状態 長期閲覧中
返却予定日 2026/3/31
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タイトル/著者 Broadcasting the blues : black blues in the segregation era / Paul Oliver
出版・頒布事項 New York : Routledge , 2006
形態事項 xvii, 191 p. ; 26cm
巻次等 : pbk
ISBN 0415971772
注記 Includes discography (p.145-170) and index
注記 "Some material in this book is based on scripts from BBC radio programs originally broadcast between 1956 and 1997, and is reproduced by permission of the BBC." -- t.p.verso
学情ID BA74640487
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Oliver, Paul, 1927- <AU10031162>
件名標目等 Blues (Music) -- History and criticism
件名標目等 African Americans -- Music -- History and criticism
件名標目等 Blues (Music) -- Social aspects -- United States